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gift box mug (5pcs) - eco-logic
bx2mug5ecolo: 120 x 120 x 100mm (L x W x H)
- 5 pieces per pack
Price ex. gst :$ 36.15 ($ 39.77 inc. gst)
gift box purse (5pcs) - eco-logic
bx2purs5ecolo: 167 x 111 x 50mm (L x W x H)
- 5 pieces per pack
Price ex. gst :$ 27.04 ($ 29.74 inc. gst)
gift box rice bowl (5pcs) - eco-logic
bx2rice5ecolo: 160 x 160 x 100mm (L x W x H)
- 5 pieces per pack
Price ex. gst :$ 40.70 ($ 44.77 inc. gst)
gift box shoe (5pcs) - eco-logic
bx2shoe5ecolo: 300 x 200 x 100mm (L x W x H)
- 5 pieces per pack
Price ex. gst :$ 58.85 ($ 64.74 inc. gst)
gift box bracelet (10pcs) - eco-logic
bxgbrac10ecolo: 90 x 64 x 31mm (L x W x H)
- 10 pieces per pack
Price ex. gst :$ 35.90 ($ 39.49 inc. gst)
gift box earrings (10pcs) - eco-logic
bxgearr10ecolo: 69 x 50 x 31mm (L x W x H)
- 10 pieces per pack
Price ex. gst :$ 26.80 ($ 29.48 inc. gst)
gift box necklace (10pcs) - eco-logic
bxgneck10ecolo: 136 x 98 x 31mm (L x W x H)
- 10 pieces per pack
Price ex. gst :$ 45.00 ($ 49.50 inc. gst)
gift box DL voucher (10pcs) - eco-logic
bxgvouc10ecolo: 220 x 110mm (L x W)
- 10 pieces per pack
Price ex. gst :$ 50.00 ($ 55.00 inc. gst)
gift box A5 (5pcs) - silver
1 of 2
cm5-a5-sil: 240 x 160 x 30mm (L x W x H)
- 5 pieces per pack
Price ex. gst :$ 28.40 ($ 31.24 inc. gst)
gift box CD (5pcs) - silver
1 of 2
cm5-cd-sil: 145 x 130 x 20mm (L x W x H)
- 5 pieces per pack
Price ex. gst :$ 17.96 ($ 19.76 inc. gst)
gift box magnetic wine 2 (3pcs) - white linen
1 of 5
cmm3-w2-whl: 340 x 190 x 95mm (L x W x H)
- 3 pieces per pack
Price ex. gst :$ 46.22 ($ 50.84 inc. gst)
plates 18cm-7inch (3pkts) - duck egg blue houndstooth
hhp18pl3deblu: 12 pieces per pack
- 3 packs
Price ex. gst :$ 16.23 ($ 17.85 inc. gst)
plates 23cm-9inch (3pkts) - duck egg blue stripe
hhp23pl3deblu: 12 pieces per pack
- 3 packs
Price ex. gst :$ 18.95 ($ 20.85 inc. gst)
napkins reversible 3ply (4pcs) - kaleidoscope
hhpnapk4kalsc: 20 pieces per pack
- 4 packs
Price ex. gst :$ 36.18 ($ 39.80 inc. gst)
paper straws (3pkts) - duck egg blue stripe
hhpstrw3deblu: 25 pieces per pack
- 3 packs
Price ex. gst :$ 16.23 ($ 17.85 inc. gst)